- Made some well deserved server-side updates, they should help reduce lag.
- Special thanks to z46-dev!
- Made some minor balance changes
- Restricted the size command to sizes between 8-18
- Ragnarok is now a spawnable boss
- Updated the music 𝅘𝅥𝅮
- Added 7 new tanks
- Basebrid - Branches off Basic
- Poundbrid - Branches off Pounder and Basebrid
- Snipebrid - Branches off Sniper and Basebrid
- Twinbrid - Branches off Twin and Basebrid
- Flank Pelleter - Branches off Pelleter and Flank Guard
- Pellet Guard - Branches off Pelleter and Flank Guard
- Commander - Branches off Overseer, Cruiser and Frigate
- Nerfed most launcher-branch tanks
- Frigate is now a tier 2 tank, branches off Director
- Added 6 new tanks
- Peashooter - Branches off Trap Guard and Cruiser
- Mantis - Branches off Gunner and Sub-Machine
- Half n'Half - Branches off Gatling Gun
- Beekeeper - Branches off Artillery
- Gunner Borer - Branches off Gunner and Borer
- Corvette - Branches off Cruiser and Creeper
- Nerfed Splitter, Borer, Driller
- Realigned Trojan so that it is easier to aim with it
- Buffed all Smashers
- Added 4 new tanks, thanks to XK#2343 and 3066350#9214 for the code!
- Mitrailleuse - Branches off Minigun and Twin Gatling
- Firecracker - Branches off Launcher and Exploder
- Shocker - Branches off Launcher
- Wipeout - Branches off Shotgun
- Added Crossbow, branches off Rifle and Artillery
- Added the Ragnarok Celestial to Testbed B
- Added 3 new tanks
- Twin Gatling - Branches off Gatling Gun, Twin Sniper and Twin Machine-gun
- Auto-Hunter - Branches off Hunter and Auto-Basic
- Sniper Rifle - Branches off Assassin and Rifle
- Set the DAMAGE_CONSTANT to 0.7
- Fixed a bug with Potato Chip and Spectator A
- Added a new chat command: /info
- Changed the DAMAGE_CONSTANT: config setting to 0.8, all tanks should have more health now
- Buffed Healer
- Buffed all Underseer branch tanks
- Changed the look of some Inceptioner-branch tanks
- Added 3 new tanks
- Double Gunner - Branches off Gunner and Double Twin
- Producer - Branches off Trapper and Inceptioner
- Auto-Hivemind - Branches off Hivemind and Auto-Basic
- Removed all tanks with freezing effects as they were slowing down the server
- Added some bosses
- Nerfed Railgun
- Added a teleportation keybind for Testbed B and the Event Server, press T to teleport!
- Fixed a bug with Healer
- The define command is now available to Testbed B and the event server!
- Nerfed all spawner-branch tank's reload speed
- Nerfed Boomer
- Nerfed Carpenter
- If you have a valid token, you can now include the word "Tester" (No quotation marks) to spawn as the respective Testbed tank
- Pssst, have you clicked on the title?
- Reworked Railgun, Exploder and Bombardier's looks
- Added 3 new tanks
- Culverin - Branches off Exploder and Cannon
- Twin Assassin - Branches off Assassin and Twin Sniper
- Bazooka - Branches off Launcher and Exploder
- Replaced the grow and shrink keybinds with a /size command
- The /size command allows you to change your tank's size, anywhere from 6-20.
- Re-added Sentries to Testbed A
- FFA map size is bigger
- Added a new type of Dominator and Base Protector
- Made turrets smoother
- Buffed some Hivemind-branch tanks
- Nerfed Heavy Hunter
- Added some MAX_CHILDREN: caps to bosses to prevent lag
- Bots now spawn in FFA
- Changed the way bots spawn, they'll avoid spawning next to other entities
- You can now see your tank's color if it has changed in any way (Previously only others could see the color change)
- Added a color command
- /color: Changes your tank's color (Testbed A and up)
- Nerfed some BT Tanks
- Added 4 new tanks
- Apiary - Branches off Smasher, Cruiser and Turret-2
- Redistributor - Branches off Destroyer and Cannon
- Mauser - Branches off Gatling Gun and Destroyer
- Duplet - Branches off Shotgun and Bruiser
- Loosened IP connection limits, the game will allow multiple connections per IP.
- Added a player counter to the join and leave messages
- Added chat commands
- Some tanks will automatically have their bullet speed maxed out to prevent lag
- Added a TON of new tanks, mostly to Potato Chip and Bosses branch.
- To combat multiboxing/bots and subsequent server lag, there will be a player limit of 1 per IP address. VPNs are still unblocked.
- Removed Dominator from the testbed menu due to their tendency to leave ghosts and cause lag
- Added 5 new tanks
- Storm - Branches off Flank Guard and Pelleter
- Auto-Storm - Branches off Auto-Basic and Storm
- Arbalest - Branches off Launcher and Artillery
- Trojan - Branches off Overseer and Pathogen
- Fog - Branches off Storm and Cloaker
- Nerfed Backer
- Added 3 new tanks
- Moth - Branches off Hexa Tank and Pelleter at lvl45
- Gatling Gun - Branches off Sniper and Machine Gun
- Chain Gun - Branches off Gatling Gun
- Nerfed Wasp
- Buffed Bosses
- Buffed Stiletto-branch animated tanks
- Added 7 new tanks
- Bumper - Branches off Launcher and Destroyer
- Contractor - Branches off Builder, Bruiser and Twin Trapper
- Whirlwind - Branches off Hexa Tank
- Spinner - Branches off Hexa Tank
- Fort - Branches off Contagion and Builder
- Amoeba - Branches off Spawner and Pathogen
- Assasinator - Branches off Drone Guard and Assassin
- Added 5 new tanks
- Bodyguard - Branches off Pounder and Flank Guard
- Bouncer - Branches off Destroyer and Bodyguard
- Auto-Bodyguard - Branches off Bodyguard and Auto-Basic at Lvl45
- Trailblazer - Branches off Tri-Angle and Lancer at Lvl45
- Bastion - Branches off Bayonet and Gunner
- Fixed a bug where sentries and crashers would not spawn on FFA
- Nerfed Penetrator, all shotgun-branch tanks
- Added a new tank:
- Swivel-3 - Branches off Auto-3
- Removed all healing tanks due to them being very buggy
- The Shotgun Dominator will no longer spawn
- Added a MAX_CHILDREN: cap for certain laggy tanks
- Added a new tank:
- Rimfire - Branches off Gunner
- Changed Minigun and Streamliner's looks
- Added 2 new tanks
- Firestarter - Branches off Minigun and Cruiser
- Sprinkler - Branches off Machine Gun at Lvl 45
- Added a status page
- Buffed all Smashers
- Nerfed Twin-3
- Removed Blaster, as it was too unique compared to other tanks of it's class
- The Trapper Dominator will no longer spawn
- Removed Sentries from the Testbed A menu due to a bug involving AI
- Revamped the Discord Controller
- Testers using the invisibility keybind will no longer be permanently invisible
- Nerfed Sparkler
- Buffed Bosses
- Added Arsenal, branches off Artillery and Triple Shot
- Added Auto-Trapper, branches off Trapper and Auto-Basic
- Added more sound effects to the client
- Added custom keybind support for various functions, including chat.
- Players with god mode enabled will no longer leave a ghost when entering an enemy base and when disconnecting
- Dominators are properly aligned and spin when idle
- Heroku-USEast-4TDM is now an event server! Everyone will spawn as an invincible Testbed B!
- Split Testbed into 3 branches
- Regular users will receive Testbed A (Does not have access to God Mode)
- Known users will receive Testbed B
- Developers will receive Testbed C
- Added a profanity fiter to the chat and player names
- ᴛʜᴀᴛ ᴍᴇᴀɴs ɴᴏ ʟᴇᴀᴋɪɴɢ ᴛʜᴇ ᴛᴏᴋᴇɴ sɪɴᴄᴇ ᴛʜᴇ sᴇʀᴠᴇʀ ᴡɪʟʟ ᴋɪᴄᴋ ʏᴏᴜ >:)
Update :D
- Added a long awaited in-game chat function
- Press '\' to access it
- Reworked Testbed Menu's layout
- Changed Pelleter's look
- Added 8 New Tanks
- Submachine - Branches off Sniper and Pelleter
- Transmitter - Branches off Submachine
- Auto-Submachine - Branches off Submachine and Auto-Basic (Lvl 45)
- Sniper Trapper - Branches off Sniper and Trapper
- Chasseur - Branches off Sniper Trapper and Assassin
- Blockade - Branches off Sniper Trapper and Borer
- Sparkler - Branches off Launcher
- Excavator - Branches off Builder and Sniper Trapper
- Eggs, Squares and Triangles will now spawn naturally and will no longer despawn.
- And with that brings 3 new tanks, all branching off Underseer:
- Pentaseer
- Triseer
- Eggseer
- Added 5 New Tanks
- Twin Trapper - Branches off Twin and Trapper
- Bent Trapper - Branches off Twin Trapper and Triple Shot
- Twin Mega-Trapper - Branches off Twin Trapper and Mega Trapper
- Blowtorch - Branches off Pummeller and Minigun
- Tracer - Branches off Shotgun and Creeper
- Selected Discord Users can now place the server into lockdown - No players can spawn during a lockdown, and any trying to spawn will be kicked. Abusers beware!
- Nerfed the entire Hivemind branch
- Buffed the entire Smasher branch
- Nerfed Sidewinder
- Nerfed Engineer's pillbox turret
- Nerfed Manufacturer's drone count and drone health
- Nerfed Factory's drone count
- Slightly buffed most focused "bullet spammer" tanks
- Buffed Shadow Tank - AI controlled tanks won't be able to see it without it attacking first
- Renamed some tanks
- Added 6 new tanks
- Osprey - Branches off Hunter and Tri-Angle
- Armsman - Branches off Trap Guard and Artillery
- Commander - Branches off Overseer
- Pelletmind - Branches off Hivemind and Pelleter
- Submind - Branches off Hivemind and Subduer
- Twinmind - Branches off Hivemind and Twin
- Music is now randomized
- Overhauled the Discord controller
- Added Fallen Booster as a Testbed and Boss tank
- Added 8 new tanks
- Stiletto - Branches off Lancer and Minishot
- Bent Sniper - Branches off Twin Sniper and Triple Shot
- Governor - Branches off Overseer
- Coroner - Branches off Underseer and Smasher
- Thrasher - Branches off Smasher
- Silencer - Branches off Cloaker and Rifle
- Recon - Branches off Gunner and Cloaker
- Shadow Tank - Branches off Cloaker
- Fixed bug with Akafuji
- Buffed Shrapnel's secondary bullets
- Updated Beta Client's font
- Made some minor client updates
- Pssst, try clicking on the icon!
- Perfomed some fixes on death screen messages
- Added 2 New Tanks
- Katana - Branches off Akafuji
- Cutlass - Branches off Akafuji
- Reworked Exploder branch mechanics - Bullets will create an explosion upon death, rather than after a delay
- Added Fragmenter - Branches off Mega-Trapper and Exploder
- Added Shrapnel - Branches off Exploder
- Buffed Giga-Trapper
- Nerfed the entire Tri-Angle branch
- Added Heroku Europe FFA server with non-public token
- Added animated tanks Akafuji and Switcheroo
- Akafuji branches off Lancer at lvl 45
- Switcheroo branches off Basic (Page 2) at lvl 45
- Added experimental IP blacklisting system for Heroku servers to stop lagbots
- Discord bot has been updated
- The server will kick players without a name now
- Added 6 tanks
- Antibody - Branches off Underseer and Pathogen
- Twin Sniper - Branches off Sniper and Twin
- Twin-Angle - Branches off Tri-Angle and Double Twin
- Autoceptioner - Branchers off Auto-3 and Flankceptioner
- Auto-Auto-3 - Branches off Auto-3 and Auto-Basic (Page 2)
- Supervisor - Branches off Overseer
- Split Grave Digger into Undergunner and Undertrapper
- Nerfed Minishot
- Excalibur branches from Compass rather than Creeper
- Hivemind branches off from Basic (Page 2) at Lvl 30 rather than from Inceptioner
- Added Minishot - Branches off Basic at Lvl 15
- Reworked Twin Spawner
- Added 10 New Tanks
- Colony - Branches off Underseer and Hexa Tank
- Tri-Mega Trapper - Branches off Mega Trapper and Tri-Trapper
- Sharpshooter - Branches off Assassin and Creeper
- Bent Heavy - Branches off Heavy Twin and Triple Shot
- Courser - Branches off Pummeller
- Trappory - Branches off Trap Guard and Spawner
- Healer - Branches off Basic (Page 2) at Level 30
- Ambulance - Branches off Tri-Angle (Page 2) and Healer
- Mini Sanctuary - Branches off Tri-Trapper and Healer
- Splitter - Branches off Hivemind and Spawner
- Made bases invincible and unable to be targeted by bots
- Smasher branch tanks now have a skill boost to make up for their lack of cannons
- Added Pilot, branches off Tri-angle and Spawner
- Added 6 new tanks
- Proximity - Branches off Trapper and Creeper
- Sorcerer - Branches off Underseer and Overseer
- Carbine - Branches off Rifle and Drone Guard
- Locator - Branches off Auto-Basic and Creeper
- Twin-3 - Branches off Auto-3 and Twin
- Vector - Branches off Pathogen
- Radar branch is now testbed only for being too out of place
- Re-added Speeder to Tri-angle branch
- Beautified client
- Added 2 new tanks to the Destroyer branch
- Added a Dominator to the centre of the map
- Map is slightly bigger
- Tier 4 tanks are now Testbed only
- Nerfed some lagmaking tanks
- The bots ate spinach and became op
- Added Grave Digger - Branches off Drone Guard and Underseer
- Added join and leave messages to the server
- Nerfed a lot of tanks
- Some tanks will have a MAX_CHILDREN: value to prevent lag.
- The main server is now hosted on
- Added Celestials to the Testbed branch
- Twister and Hive's missile reload speed nerfed
- Added more themes
- Added 1 new boss to the Testbed branch
- Added Radar branch from Sniper
- Added Base with Sunchip drones
- Added Hivemind branch from Inceptioner
- Recolored Nest Keeper
- Fixed additional server crash bugs
- Buffed Punt Gun and Shatterer
- Fixed a bug where attempting to activate God Mode or suiciding while already dead would crash the server
- Improved Sentry AI
- Added 2 new Sentries
- Added even more tanks
- Buffed Heavy-3 Turret's firerate
- Added many new tanks
- Map has been redesigned, did I mention the Bases have names too?!
- The client has been updated with a lot of new functions! Try clicking on the Arras logo to try them out!
- Added a ton of new tanks
- Added Exploder tank and branch
- Fixed up tank branching
- Added Auto-tank branches
- Added 4 new tanks
- Heavy Twin - Branches off Twin
- Kraken - Branches off Octo Tank and Cyclone
- Stomper - Branches off Hexa Tank
- Frigate - Branches off Overseer and Cruiser
- Added 2 new bosses to the Testbed branch
- Some tanks are now unlocked at tier 4 (Lvl60)
- Added a handful of Spawner-branch tanks
- Bases can no longer be pushed
- Bots are now Smasher-branch tanks to curb lag
- Testbed Token is now public! Visit my Discord server to claim!
- Added 3 New Tanks:
- Hornet - Branches off Gunner and Tri-Angle
- Typhoon - Branches off Cyclone
- Shadow Tank - Branches off Basic at Lvl30
- Added music function to client (Press on view options)
- Added 3 Tanks:
- Creator - Branches off Spawner and Compass
- Underlord - Branches off Underseer
- Minelayer - Branches off Mega Trapper and Builder
- Minion firerate nerfed
- Destroyer Branch Nerfed
- Sidewinder Nerfed
- Hunter Branch Buffed
- Tri-Angle Branch Nerfed
- Sprayer Buffed
- Map size doubled
- Bases can now be pushed using bullets or drones
- Added Seeker, which branches off Homing and Spawner